Kaden has started to "sing" which is adorable. If Madison or I start singing, Kaden will start to say "ya ya ya" like he is singing too. He seems to be very good at copying sounds and noises with his mouth.
Kaden still doesn't officially crawl. He prefers to roll but he CAN army crawl if properly motivated. If I hold my iphone closely in front of him and move it back, he will crawl after it. He also army crawls more on the hard wood and mostly rolls on the carpet. He has just decided that he can get around faster rolling so he prefers to do that.
I'm now starting to plan for the kids birthday parties. The past year has gone fast and I can't believe he is almost one!
fun with mom
Under the coffee table, very typical
A few facts
Weight - 20.5 pounds
Height - 29.5 inch
Diaper Size - 4
Clothing Size - 12-18 Month
Sleeping - He sleeps from about 8pm until 7 or 8am.
left: Madison 11 months, right: Kaden 11 months

Cute! He's so skinny!!!