Story Time

Story Time

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Story Time

Our local library has 10 week story time sessions fairly often so we decided to start going in January.  Madison LOVES it!  She sits up in the front so she can see and listens very carefully to the librarian.  They do songs, rhymes and read two books each time.  Then they get stamps on their hand and a craft to take home.  I let Madison pick out a book after each week.  So far, she has picked out a new Winnie the Pooh book every time... for 8 weeks.  This girl knows what she likes.  This also means I have read pooh books at home a few times a day, every day, for 8 weeks.  Good thing they have a variety of Pooh books.
The librarian commented to me how well Madison does and that she is the most attentive in the class.  There are 20+ kids some weeks so I'd say she is doing very well.  I hope this is foreshadowing to the fall when she is in school.  I have my hopes since she tells me literally everyday that she wants to ride a bus and go to school.  It's nice to see my wild and crazy girl calm down and participate/behave in this setting.  We look forward to many future story time sessions at the library!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

9 Months

Kaden continues to be tall, but light.  He has two bottom teeth and is working on several on top.  He sits up very well and just started to get up on his knees.  I'm not encouraging him to crawl since I know my life won't be as easy.  He has learned to clap and does it often!  We are now in our new house and Kaden has adjusted well to it.  He is relaxed, happy and such a joy to our family!

A few facts
Weight - 18 pounds 10 ounces (30%)
Height - 29 inches (79%)
Head - 26.6 cm (88%)
Diaper Size - 4
Clothing Size - 12 Month
Sleeping - Kaden either wakes once (goes back to sleep after he gets his paci) or sleeps though the night.  This is MUCH better than the 3 times a night we were having.  He goes to bed between 8 & 9 and wakes around 7:30.

left: Madison 9 months, right: Kaden 9 months