Kaden is tall!! I'm not sure where he gets it from and it will be interesting to see if he continues this trend or slows in his growth. He is not near as chunky as Madison was at this point, but I've noticed his legs are getting thicker.
I love that he continues to be laid back. He loves to be around people and watch his crazy big sis play. His smile brightens our day. He doesn't really have any interest in standing or sitting up, but he does roll over and grab at his toys. He always has something in his mouth, mostly his hands. I have a feeling he will have a tooth pop through soon.
Kaden was sleeping 10 hours a night but now he averages around 7 or 8. Sometimes he wakes after only 4 for an extra feeding. We haven't started any solids yet because our doctor recommended we wait until at least 6 months. Kaden seems satisfied with just milk.
He likes to go on walks, but is usually asleep after a few minutes of riding in the stroller.
A few facts
Weight - 16 pounds
Height - 27 inches
Diaper Size - 3
Clothing Size - 6-9 Month
Sleeping - Sleeps between 7 and 8 hours at a time
left: Madison 5 months, right: Kaden 5 months
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