Story Time

Story Time

Sunday, October 30, 2011

6 Months

Where did half a year go??  We have been very blessed to have Madison in our family these past 6 months.  She has grown so much and seems to learn something new each day.  I can tell her motor skills are improving rapidly.

Madison enjoyed her first Halloween.  She was a little pumpkin and helped us hand out candy.

Trick or Treat!!

Fun Photos

A few facts
Weight - 17 pounds 4 ounces (75%!) She's our chuncky monkey :)
Length - 25 1/4  inches (50%)
Head Circumference - 42 cm (50%)
Diaper Size - 3
Clothing Size - 9 Month
Sleeping - Bed around 8 pm, then we wake her for a dream feed and she sleeps until around 7

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