Story Time

Story Time

Sunday, October 30, 2011

6 Months

Where did half a year go??  We have been very blessed to have Madison in our family these past 6 months.  She has grown so much and seems to learn something new each day.  I can tell her motor skills are improving rapidly.

Madison enjoyed her first Halloween.  She was a little pumpkin and helped us hand out candy.

Trick or Treat!!

Fun Photos

A few facts
Weight - 17 pounds 4 ounces (75%!) She's our chuncky monkey :)
Length - 25 1/4  inches (50%)
Head Circumference - 42 cm (50%)
Diaper Size - 3
Clothing Size - 9 Month
Sleeping - Bed around 8 pm, then we wake her for a dream feed and she sleeps until around 7

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

While Mommy is Away....

Daddy and Maddie will play!
 I went on a retreat to Gatlinburg last weekend with my MUMS group for some rest and fellowship.  I had a wonderful time getting to know the women who went on the trip.  While I was gone Todd's mom came up to help take care of Madison.  I know he really appreciated it!  While they were out, Todd got the idea to pick up this Krispy Kreme hat and some doughnuts.  He set up this fun little photo shoot.  Once I got over the shock and was reassured she didn't actually eat the doughnut, I have to say it was adorable. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Take Two

We gave cereal another try and it turned out much better :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First "Meal"

I would like Madison to be eating solid food by 6 months so I decided to start
her on a very small amount of oatmeal cereal mixed with milk to teach her how to eat without a bottle.
Here is how our meal started - Happy Baby!
"Hey Mom! I'm ready to try something new!"

"I'm not sure what's going on..."

"This is messy!  Did you see where my bottle went?"
"NOT fun - I'm done!"
I guess it will take some time before she gets the hang of it. We will try again in a few days :)