Story Time

Story Time

Thursday, June 30, 2011

2 Months

Madison turned two months on June 30th!  I'm a little late with my post but she didn't have her 2 month appointment until yesterday.  She received 3 sets of shots which resulted in lots of tears and her first fever :(  It was a long, hard day for our little one (& mom).

Since our last post: 1. We celebrated the 4th of July with friends.  It was hot but still fun.  2. Two of our friends had babies so Madison will have some great friends as she grows!  3. Todd traveled to Las Vegas for a reunion with some of his fraternity brothers.  Madison and mom spent the weekend together.  It was great bonding time but it was also nice to have dad home :)

A few facts
Weight - 10lbs 12oz!  She has definitely made up for being a preemie. 50th percentile
Length - 22inches. 50th percentile
Head Circumference - 37cm. 10th percentile
Diaper Size - 1
Clothing Size - 0-3 Months
Sleeping around 4 hours in a row at night

1 comment:

  1. That is all fantastic news! She seems to be thriving and is cuter every day!
