Madison is a year old!! It has gone so fast.
Madison and I spent her first Easter in Michigan with some of our family.
We flew home on April 11, an experience I don't look forward to repeating anytime soon.
After spending a month in Michigan we are now settled back into normal life in Kentucky. We have been enjoying play dates and MUMS (a moms group at our church). The nice weather has allowed us to spend time outside and go on daily walks.
Madison is learning so much! She points at everything wanting to know what items are. She stands on her own and walks behind her push toy but hasn't ventured out walking on her own yet. Madison has however, mastered the stairs. She became very interested in climbing up them so we felt the need to teach her how to go down them to help avoid any injuries. She does great at turning around and going from step to step. She seems to have no fear and loves to climb on everything.
It's hard to understand but I feel like Madison is saying a few words. She definitely says Dada and is referring to Todd. She says Mama but it doesn't seem directed to me yet. She says du du referring to duck and bebe for baby (her favorite toy). She will even "roar" sometimes when player with her tiger.
It has been a wonderful first year watching Madison learn and grow. I know the next year will be even more fun!
A few facts
Weight - 22 pounds (75%)
Length - 29 inches (50%)
Head Circumference - 45 cm (50%)
Diaper Size - 4
Clothing Size - some 12 month some 18 month
Sleeping - Bed 8pm and wake around 8am, naps at 10 & 2